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Design + Plan

utecture® expedites the design process with an easy-to-use tool so you can enter concept discussions without delay. Start with customizable pre-loaded templates or upload a blueprint and create your own design. Rapidly alter and personalize designs in real time, and visualize in 3D at any stage.

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Quantify + Price

Get instantaneous insight into the cost of designs with utecture’s® powerful takeoff and pricing capabilities. Integrated into your preconstruction processes, utecture instantly shows the cost of design alterations and automatically produces accurate quotes, condensing the sales process to hours.

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Visualize in 3D

Bring the preconstruction stage to life and speed up decision-making. With utecture® you can visualize and interact with a 3D design, exploring different design options with instant digital rendering technology. utecture® offers the clarity and pricing transparency needed to sign on the dotted line.

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Documentation + Management

Instantly produce a customizable contract ready sales packs with all the documentation required for every stage of the sales process, seamlessly integrated within your construction processes. Export cover letters, quotes, building images, specifications, quantities, elevations and floor plans, all branded with your logo. utecture® gives everybody the answers they need, instantly.

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  • Design + Plan
  • Quantify + Price
  • Visualize in 3D
  • Documentation + Management

Our Customers

OIP (5)
utecture reduces time to finalize and quanitfy house plans


Dramatically reduce the time it takes to close a deal. No more weeks of back and forth to finalize and quantify house plans - quoting an entire house can now be achieved in under an hour. Instantly show customers the visual and cost impact of design changes, helping them make informed decisions quickly and winning you more jobs.

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utecture delivers more accurate quotes

Reliable accuracy

utecture® delivers more accurate quotes by revealing every element of a build measurement in accurate, accessible detail, establishing a single cost management database. utecture's® computational model incorporates rigorously validated algorithms, giving you a fully configurable costing engine. You can increase the precision of takeoffs, build confidence with all project stakeholders, and save time.

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utecture maximises returns by reducing costly errors

Maximize returns

Whether it's a catalogue house, custom home, multi-family residential or renovation; eliminate double-handling, reduce costly errors, and monitor margin performance on your projects with utecture's® computational model and patented AI engine. Produce sales plans, specifications, elevations, quotes, material schedules and accurate live pricing in seconds.

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utecture is pioneering new ways of predicting pre-construction

Reduce carbon

Utecture® is pioneering new ways of predicting, simulating and integrating eco-friendly tech and building products into every step of pre-construction. Recent Monash University studies show we have a proven positive material impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions throughout the new home build process. To continue to improve on our environmental impact, utecture® is a founding member in the Cooperative Research Centre  (CRC) Building 4.0 program and also ISO14021 declared.

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